Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 30

Yep! Uno again, but this time with Grandpa!

March 29

On the ferris wheel at Scheels with my two favorite 5 year olds.

March 28

Date night! Current favorite place - Doolittles

March 27

And he can read! Mat by Bob Books.

March 26

Our now daily game of Uno.

March 25

First tooth!

March 24

My first Stitch Fix box arrived today! New favorite way to shop...keeping the scarf and dress, almost kept the pink...

March 23

Is it really time to go back to Fargo?

March 22

Lovin' on Baby Kate. She is so sweet!

March 21

Matt taught Claire & Josiah to play Uno, and they are both OBSESSED!

March 20


(Wish I would have thought to take a picture of these two at MOA in front of the wall of Lego bins at Legoland...that would have been fabulous...oh well, guess we'll just have to take another adventure there next time...)

March 19

Spring break! Left school at 3:05 (3 minutes after the bell), picked up Josiah, headed straight for the cities to stay with my sister. Managed to only stop 3 times on the way there and arrived only too happy to relax for a bit and snuggle baby Kate. Josiah loves his new cousin and I adore my new niece!!! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18

My Carhart boys!!! Did you know you have to work hard, be tough, and not be afraid to get your hands dirty to wear a Carhart? (and talk in a really gruff voice)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16

Sunny Sunday morning - early church, mochas and hot cocoa @ Starbucks, and a family selfie on the front step. Looking forward to a day at home!

March 14

Uncle Jon moved away, again, but he did leave Josiah a little loose change. Might take a little while to sort and count all that...

March 13

60 degrees!!! Windows down, shades on!

Later at home...scooters & bikes, bubbles, sandals for mom, and a vacuumed out van! Yes!!!

March 12

Tomato soup through our favorite straw. 

March 11 shoes for a new adventure. Yep, those are ballet slippers...yep, I'm taking an adult ballet class. Now I know how my students feel...

March 10

Animal hospital night. Vet Mom and Vet Tech Josiah. No more holey friends.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9

Seriously love the colors. Hopefully it won't take 8 weeks to dry since the 2'x3' canvas is now taking up my desk and workspace. At least not having my computer set up in a super accessible location has eliminated any online browsing or Facebook distractions...

March 8

Almost done!!! Now that's a pop of color to set off my gray walls!

March 7

Friday night = permission to watch a cartoon on the iPad and snuggle with Mom in her bed. Luvin' the spiky after-bath hair!

March 6

Love these colors. Can't wait for Josiah to create something beautiful for our bedroom!

March 3

Someone LOVES to blow up balloons. Dad does NOT love to have lots of balloons blown up. Fortunately, both love popping them with thumb tacks.

March 2


March 1

I'm blaming the abandoning of the whole not-waiting-to-paint plan on Josiah. He wanted to!

(This is only the second time that I've painted a room while Jim's been working out of town. In my defense, this way only one of us was displaced in regard to sleeping arrangements, and Jim hates painting. It really is better if I just do it when he's gone. He doesn't have to deal with the mess or whine about me repainting a room I already painted once, and I just crawled in bed with Josiah.)

Not thinking about painting the living room...yet...

February 28

So I really shouldn't spend this weekend painting since I haven't cleaned in, like, a month, but I can still go buy a gallon and save it for Easter, right? Now, which one to choose...

February 27

Mom is at conferences, so the boys had a "boys' night." Trip to the dump (which Josiah thinks is super fun) and dinner at McD's!

February 26

Umm...did I really just fill out forms for KINDERGARTEN?! Pretty sure I just brought Josiah home from the hospital...oh wait, that really was 5 years ago??? OMG...I am SO not ready for this!!!